Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stay On the Path or Eat Bark

I am notorious for getting lost in the woods.  Just ask my kids.  When I suggest a hike, they immediately ask if they should bring survival gear and leave a note for their loved ones.  Really?  I mean, yes, one of our 3-mile hikes turned into 6.  And, I must confess, I gave up navigational control to my 12-year-old during one of our romps in the woods after an hour of walking in circles.  In my defense, the path was poorly marked. 

Staying on the path is important.  And knowing where you are going or how to get there keeps you from praying for a rescue while you endlessly circle the same pine tree.  Psalm 34:15 says that the Lord looks towards the righteous and hears them. God watches over everyone, but He seems to take a particular interest in those who are righteous. So, what does it mean to be righteous?

Righteous, in Hebrew, is tsadiyq which means one who is straight and does not depart from the way of God.  It is not one who lives a religiously pious life but is one who follows the correct path; the path of God.  It is following God closely.  How He does things.  Having the same character as Him.  And we do that by studying His Word, talking to Him, doing things His way, and paying close attention to the path and not veering from it. Seems simple, doesn’t it? It can be when we are blessed with a path that has huge neon signs where hot dog vendors and lemonade stands line the way.  However, there are times when the path is marked by old weathered wooden signs or piles of rocks where the path is not so clear, and you are required to pay more attention or get lost.

Unfortunately, just like those hikes with my kids, I have gotten lost numerous times in my spiritual walk. It happens because I don’t always pay close attention to the path.  It’s there but I am distracted by what’s around me and then find myself in the middle of nowhere.  I don’t take the time to check in with the One who leads me. Then, to make things worse, I think I can get back on track by myself.  Like I can channel my inner Bear Grylls from Man vs. Wild clawing my way up deep ravines, making hammocks out of reeds, catching the dew with a leaf frond, and eating bark.

Following God’s path takes full concentration and constant checking-in.  We can’t just go rambling about our day and not expect to get lost.  However, when we do, James 1:5 says, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” Without reproach.  No, “I told you so’s”, “What were you thinking?’ or piling guilt and disapproval upon you. God is generous and gracious and leads us back to the path. He will do for you what He does for me. He takes my dirty hands, helps me out of my pitiful attempt at a hammock, gives me water, throws away my meal of bark and seeds, and leads me to the path lined with all that I need.  My Hero.  My Guide. My Father.  Much better than Bear Grylls.  Though if you do find yourself gnawing on bark, pine is the best. We'll talk later.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” (Proverb 3:5-6)

Staying on the path with you today,

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