Thursday, May 24, 2018


The definition of satisfy is to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, the body, the spirit), to give full contentment to; ample provision.  Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? I have had periods of compete satisfaction (chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake comes to mind), but too often those times are fleeting, and I want more. (again, that blasted cheesecake comes to mind).  To be completely content and satisfied all the time must be impossible right? There’s only so much cheesecake!

Paul says in Philippians 4:12, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Whoa!  Content in any and every situation? What’s his secret?

Isaiah 58:11 gives us the answer. “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”

The Lord our God is the answer.  Now it’s one thing to know He’s the answer and another to live like it. I know copious amounts of sugary, cream cheese laden slices of glorious delight are not good for me, but I still eat all I desire and then suffer the consequences.  I live in such a way that blows off the knowledge that will bring health and satisfaction for something I desire and think will satisfy only to find it very lacking in the end. I am discontent and dis-satisfied.  Why? Because, honestly, there are times when I believe He is holding out on me or is not giving me what I think I need.  And what I think I need and what I really need are often very different and only God knows which is best for me.  

Living a life of true contentment in God is trusting Him to meet every need which will satisfy my whole being.  Putting my wants and desires aside for His perfect provision. Accepting and trusting God’s gifts even when they are not what I think I want for myself.  Psalm 90:14 says that satisfaction and contentment in God leads to joy and gladness. Hm…satisfaction. Contentment. Joy.  Gladness.  Much more than what I get from chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake that diminishes on the plate and enhances the hips, but not something lasting for my heart and spirit.

What are you pinning your contentment on?  People? The perfect job? Acknowledgement in areas of service or ministry? Decadent desserts? Situations and circumstances change, but God is constant and faithful.  When you feel discontent ask God to show you those areas where you are not going to Him for satisfaction.  Ask Him to satisfy your desires in the scorched places and give strength to your bones.  He is faithful and will do it.  He will give you what you really need that is lasting and nourishing; full contentment.  Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

Choosing to put “cheesecake” aside for something much more satisfying with you,

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