Thursday, June 7, 2018

Eye to Eye and Heart to Heart

“I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them.” (Hosea 11:4b) 

What a beautiful picture of God’s love. Our Mighty, Magnificent God taking away our burden and then getting down to our level to meet our needs.

I don’t have many memories of my great grandfather, but I have seen pictures of him lying on the floor and playing with me.  I was about 6 months old and he had debilitating arthritis.  It was difficult and painful for him to just cross the room yet he somehow got down on the floor so we were eye to eye and played together. When I look at those pictures I see a man who loved me and wanted to spend time with me at my level.  

God’s “bending down” is similar to our interaction with children; like what my great grandpa did for me. We get down on our knees or bend down so that we can be eye-to-eye with them. This simple gesture shows them that we care; that we’re not trying to dominate or intimidate them.  I see God doing the same thing; lovingly putting aside his “hugeness” for a moment to show us that we are important; that he loves us and wants us to feel secure in him. I like to think of it as seeing the “softer side” of our warrior, powerful God.

My prayer for you today is that you would know that God is powerful, mighty, and awe-inspiring, but that he also loves you enough to get down to your level; eye-to-eye and heart-to-heart.  He is not beyond your reach.  He is accessible. He is there.  “Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!” (Psalm 116:2)

Enjoying His nearness with you,


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