Thursday, April 5, 2018

Identity Crisis

My heart hurt a bit last week.  I sent my youngest son off early in the morning for his first full-time grown-up job half-way across the world.  Actually, it’s only a few states away, but to this momma’s heart it may as well be Siberia. I know that has been the plan from the beginning, but it doesn’t make it any easier.  I still picture him as this little boy playing with “swords” in the backyard. 

You would think it would get easier.  This isn’t my first go around.  My oldest son is married, working, and ministering in another state.  My oldest daughter has moved out and heading toward the future God has planned for her.  I feel for the last daughter yet to move on.  I may put up a fight.

Why is this so hard?  It’s not like I expected everyone to stay forever.  I knew what was coming.  I knew from the time I found out I was going to be a mom.  But still…

For those of you who have walked this path and made it past the next bend, please share with those of us who may be struggling to find the path.  For those of you who are in the midst of the chaos of kids still at home and long for quiet, less crazy times, don’t rush things.  Embrace them.  Time truly does fly and blinking will cause those precious kiddos to grow up before you are ready.

The definition of identity is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.  It’s a fact.  I’m a mom. And maybe after 24 years of being a full-time mom the “mom” identity starts to become the strongest identity.  It takes over all others and I have lost sight of what else there is for me to do; for me to be.  Because there is a big part of me that wonders as the last child walks out that door, “What now?”  “Who am I?”  “What am I supposed to do?”

What about you?  Maybe for you it’s a change in your career, ministry, going from student to employee, or job to retirement. Whatever identity you have embraced at the moment and now it’s changing can be exciting and good but can also feel uncertain and scary. It’s O.K.  God has reminded me that, yes, I am a mom and will forever be a mom.  My role may change, but the fact still remains. But, He reminds me that I also have an identity in Him.  I am His child (John 1:12); I am a “praise-maker” for Him (Romans 15:7); I am chosen for a purpose (1 Peter 2:9); I am an heir (Romans 8:15); and so much more. 

When your identity is in crisis remember you are more than that one thing. God’s plans for you encompass so much more.  His purpose for you lasts.  And as you tear your gaze away from the back of an identity that is changing, you will see glorious opportunities the Lord has waiting for you if you just look.

Embracing my identity in Christ with you,

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nationa people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” (1 Peter 2:9)

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