Thursday, March 29, 2018


I was walking through a quaint village on a warm beautiful day.  I eventually came upon the town center and noticed there were several ornate staircases that seem to lead to nowhere.  They were beautifully carved and looked like grand staircases out of mansions.  They looked so inviting, and being curious to where they led, I picked one and started up.  After a while I noticed the stair had changed.  What was once wood and carpet it was now grey metal.  The steps seemed out of proportion and farther apart. What used to be solid, you could now see between each step and the railing was just a metal bar.  It was terrifying because I could see how high up I was and felt very insecure as I struggled to get up each step.  I kept going however and soon reached a point where I saw a black metal and pipe platform.  Standing on the platform were 4-6 people laughing, pointing, and enjoying the view.  I started to go up not realizing at first that I was now climbing a ladder with nothing between me and empty space.  Too scared to go any further, I went back down the ladder, down the metal stairs, unto the carpeted wood, and on to solid ground. 

Frustrated with myself, I decided to try another staircase.  The same thing happened except I didn’t even get on the ladder.  I looked up at the platform and the brave people enjoying themselves and I thought to myself, “The risk is not worth it.  I am going back down.”

When I got back to the ground, I looked around and noticed there were more staircases and words above each one.  The words represented things that described purpose, importance, and meaningful pursuits.  As I looked at each one I decided that if I was going to climb one of those staircases to the platform at the very top, I wanted it to be worth fighting the fear of the struggle and risk of life.  With determination in my steps, I chose one and started climbing.

Obviously, this is not a true story, but a dream I had.  When I woke up, I couldn’t get it out of my head.  When that happens, it’s time to have a conversation with God, because this doesn’t happen very often and He is probably trying to tell me something.

What stood out most to me was that every time I got to the top, fear kept me from getting to my goal.  I would persevere through the struggle, fight my anxieties, and then get to the last level only to have fear beat me down to the ground again.  I believe God was telling me that there have been times when He has given me opportunities that would bring me joy and fulfillment in Him, only to give in to fear and miss out.  I don’t know if I made it to the very top of the last staircase or not because I woke up.

That dream made me wonder how many times I have missed out on something divinely glorious because of fear.  2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power,” and Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

To not fear is a command from God. Not a suggestion or a nice idea, but a command.  He knows we can do it because He has given us all we need to obey. “The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

I hope that if I had been able to see to the end of my dream that I made it up to the top looking out and experiencing the wonderful view that God intended for me.  I imagine glorious vistas, the feeling of accomplishment, closeness to my Father, and fulfilled purpose as I stand with the few who managed to conquer their fears with me.

How about you?  Do you, like me, sometimes let fear determine whether or not to pursue something you believe God wants you to pursue?

From now on, when I come across a “staircase” of possibility and am afraid to go up I will put my trust in God. In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and will not afraid. (Psalm 56:3-4) Why don’t you come with me?  I’ve heard the view is glorious!

Fearlessly climbing staircases of glorious destiny with you,


For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

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