Thursday, April 12, 2018

Cardboard Boxes and Flying Monkeys

I love how God can use anything, yes, anything, to bring His Word to mind and remind me of who He is. This time it was a simple box. 

I was sitting at my desk.  I saw a box.  The box reminded me of a memory which in turn brought these two passages to mind:

“For who is God except the Lord?  Who but our God is a solid rock?” for “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul”. (2 Samuel 22:32 NLT) (Psalm 94:19 NKLV)

I remember as a child watching the Wizard of Oz while sitting in a box.  Yep.  A box.  Didn’t every child under the age of 6 when faced with watching this movie alone? But this was not just any box.  This box was my secure fortress in the midst of pure terror.  You see, the wicked witch and her flying monkeys scared the be-jabers out of me and whenever the witch came on the scene, I would jump in my box, hunker down as far as I could, and peek over the side. I was scared, but I had to see what was happening. For some reason, I felt safe and secure surrounded by walls made up of thin card board and tape that only held up for a few hours because of my constant scrambling in and out.  The next time I watched it, I required a new box.  I can’t remember how many boxes I went through that year.  I loved that movie!

Thank heavens, I don’t have to rely on a simple, weak box for my sense of security anymore!  I am so thankful my God has made my soul secure so that no matter what happens or what fears try to take over, I can run to Him who is my Redeemer, Solid Rock, and Protector.  There is truly no one like Father and I am so thankful to be His child.

To whom do you run to or what do you crawl in to when you are afraid?  Run to Father.  Confront your fears peeking through His arms that are holding you close. People and card board will fail you at times, but our God never will. 

Enjoying security without boxes with you,

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