Thursday, January 18, 2018

Just Like Father

I loved, and still do, hanging out with my dad.  He’s my hero, my friend, and one of my most favorite people in the world.  If my dad was making cinnamon rolls, I had my four-year-old fingers in that dough. If he was chopping and splitting wood, I was hauling and stacking it. When he worked on the cars, I was out there carrying the drip pan of old oil or sitting in the car pressing the brakes to bleed them. Even better, was having my head under the hood of the car as he explained how important it was to check the fluids often.  (that conversation I recalled quite vividly when during college I blew my engine on the interstate. Yes. True story).  Sometimes, it was just a game of bumper pool or hanging out over a bowl of popcorn. It didn’t matter what he was doing, if he was doing it, I wanted to be there with him.  Even the way we walked became very similar. And though I didn’t always particularly like the task, I loved the man so I stuck close to his side and hung on every word.  I wanted to be just like him.

I picture the same thing with our Heavenly Father.  John 2:6 says, ”the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.”  And then in Colossians 2:6 “Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,” Abiding and walking.  It implies a close, intimate relationship; mirroring characteristics and “mannerisms”.  Just as I love being with my earthly dad, I long to do what Father does and be with Him.  I want to watch Him closely, listening and studying His words, paying attention to how he does things.  With great expectation I want to participate in all He does and keep His commands because that helps me stay close to Him while enjoying His closeness and love that pours out as we walk and abide together.  I want to be just like Him.

How about you?  You may not have had a good earthly father in your life, but you can have a strong, close relationship with the one true heavenly Father. Building a relationship with Him doesn’t have to be super complicated and difficult.  Some days it may be more involved with Scripture study and long times spent in prayer; working out deep truths.  While other days, it can be as simple as sitting at His feet, holding a drip pan of oil while He speaks love to your heart.

Abiding and walking,


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