Thursday, January 25, 2018

At a Loss for Words?

We know it’s important to talk to God, but sometimes, for me at least, the words just don’t come.  Either I’m so wound up that I can’t focus, or I’m so beaten down no words come close to how I’m feeling, or I’m so exhausted, I fall asleep.  It’s those times that when I can’t find the words, I go with the best; God’s Word.

As I find my favorite verses or discover new ones, I pray through them and find such a sweet time of conversation with Father.  Sometimes the conversation goes like, “Father!  Remember when I discovered this verse?  What a day that was and what encouragement your words brought to my heart.  I needed to see that again.  Thank you.”

Maybe today is one of those days where your words are locked up tight and the conversation seems to be lagging.  Find your favorite verses, remind yourself why they are your favorite.  Better yet, let Father know why they are your favorite.  Let His words to you be the start of a precious conversation that leads to a closer relationship and an out-pouring of worship to Him.

I lift you up, O Mighty One, for you are so powerful that the sun rises and sets at your command.  I am so thankful, God, for your sending us your son who is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.  Everything we need!  I praise you, Magnificent God, for in your infinite mercy, you have called us to Yourself; drawn us in; wooed us with your love.  I am so thankful that none of that was dependent on me for I know I would not have sought you on my own.  Thankful, heartfelt praises to you my Glorious God!  
(Psalm 50:1, Isaiah 9:6, Romans 9:16)

Thankful today,

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