Thursday, August 16, 2018

Why We Worship

“Worship is the magnification of God and the minimization of self. One of the most succinct expressions of a worshipper’s heart in all the New Testament came from John the Baptist: ‘He must increase, but I must decrease’” (page 168 from Dr. James Macdonald’s book, “Vertical Worship”).

Many times, it’s easy to come to church hoping to hear our favorite songs sung, favorite verses read, or favorite preaching style preached, and so on.  We think of church like Burger King’s 40-year-old slogan, “Have it your way”.  However, when we do that we are missing out on the real reason we are there.  And what is the real reason we meet week after week? Because “…we have been rescued from our sins, united with a risen, living Christ and with each other through faith in Jesus. And because of that union with Jesus and with each other, the Bible, God’s word, calls us to regular, weekly expressions of our corporate joy and thankfulness before God in worship,…” (John Piper)

We don’t come to fill our preference tank.  It is taking the focus off of ourselves and putting it on the One who deserves it.  Timothy Keller puts it this way, “Worship is pulling our affections off our idols and putting them on God…at our deepest level, we were created for worship.”  I love that!  What idol are you and I holding on to that gets in the way of worship?  Pride?  Selfishness in which we insist on our way?  Unforgiveness?  Worldly distractions?

I pray that when it comes time for worship we come with affections duly placed where God may have it His way. May we come with anticipation of God’s presence, His Word made alive in us, His love showered upon our hearts.  And in light of all He has done for us, giving God the praise due His name. May we expect to be moved by His Spirit and not necessarily by the elements that make up our time together.  God can use those things, yes, but He doesn’t need them to make an impression on a heart that is open to His still small voice.

Worshiping with you today,

The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble! He sits enthroned upon the cherubim; let the earth quake! Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns (Psalm 99:1; Revelation 19:6).

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