Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hope and a Turkey Parade

I was born in Worthington, MN and lived there until I was six.  Worthington is a strong farming community and every year around Thanksgiving the town would have a Turkey Parade since Worthington was known for its massive turkey processing.  There were two parades.  The regular one and one just for the kids to participate in.  My parents signed me up and God used a Turkey parade to teach me an important lesson.

I was around 4 or 5, and the theme for the parade was children’s stories. Prizes were given out for the best entries. My parents dressed me as the “Little Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe”.  My dad built a big shoe that fit on my wagon complete with window cut-outs.  In the windows he rigged a system that when I pulled my wagon, my dolls that were placed in the windows, would wave.  I know!  So cool!  I was a “shoe-in” for first prize!  (get it?  Old Woman in Shoe? Hm…well, anyway) I knew I was going to win!  I had my heart set on it.  There was no doubt!  Oh, how I hoped and hoped.  I may have even envisioned myself receiving this magnificent prize. But, alas.  It was not meant to be.  My neighbor, Todd, his younger brother, Scott, and his cousin won first prize that year as “Little Bo Peep” and her sheep.  Really?  I mean, my dolls WAVED for pity’s sake!  (I’m still a little bitter)

I know I was young, and it took years for the whole lesson to sink in, but I learned that there are just some things you can’t rely on to happen, not matter how much effort you put into it. There will always be obstacles and trials. Someone will disappoint you, things fall through. However, I am so thankful that my hope in God is secure and for sure.  I John 5:13-14 says, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” I love the line, “that we may know”. (emphasis mine) There is no doubt, there is no rival “Bo Peep” and her sheep to steal it away, just pure confidence that it’s going to happen.

As we prepare to celebrate Christ and His birth we have secure hope.  It’s not finger-crossing, but confident expectation that God will fulfill His promises to us.  

Waiting and full of hope with you,


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