Monday, April 21, 2014

What I learned from Ezekiel

I have been reading, “The Soul’s Quest for God” by R.C. Sproul.  In Chapter two, Sproul writes about the importance of God’s Word.  He used examples of Ezekiel’s life and God’s instructions to Him to emphasize his point.  This is what I learned I’ve learned from Ezekiel......

1.  I must make sure that I make time for personal preparation...
                “Son of man, let all my words sink deep into your own heart first.  Listen to them carefully                  for yourself.  Then go...” (Ezekiel 3:10-11a)
         Notice, God says to let His words penetrate.  Don’t just brush by them.  I found it interesting         that He emphasizes the fact the Word needed to penetrate Ezekiel’s heart FIRST, before God                released Him to prophesy to others.  Some of us are so quick to answer and speak before we                really know what we’re talking about.  I must make time for personal preparation. 

2.  Commitment to studying the word, allowing it to digest, and letting it become every part of me...
                “Son of man, eat what I am giving you-eat this scroll.  Then go...” (Ezekiel 3:1)

                What a great picture!  I’m not sure how many times in Ezekiel that God told him to eat the                  words or eat the scroll.  God even goes so far to tell him to digest it.  (NLT version) God                      made it plain that before Ezekiel was ready for service to God he had to completely absorb                 God’s words. They had to become a part of him.  It was only after Ezekiel “ate” the scrolls                   that God told him to go.  Again, I am reminded of patient preparation.  This is hard for a                     “storm the mountain” girl like me to take in!

3.  Obedience to God no matter the circumstances or the outcome...
                “Son of man, do not fear them or their words.  Don’t be afraid even though their threats                 surround you like nettles and briers and stinging scorpions.  Do not be dismayed by their                      dark scowls, even though they are rebels.  You must give them my messages whether they                    listen or not.” (Ezekiel 2:6-7)

                Wow!  I think of the Nike slogan, “Just Do It!”.  God is saying, “Do what I say no matter                    what the outcome.  Just be obedient to me.  I’ll take care of everything else.”  I don’t know                  how many   times I don’t do something I think God wants me to do because I don’t think it                  will matter, make change, or have a positive outcome.  However, I’ll jump at the chance to                  obey if it means something great will probably happen, or to be brutally honest, if it will                      make ME look good.

4. Recognize the Holy Spirit’s role in my life...
                “Then the Spirit lifted me...” (Ezekiel Chapter 2:2, 3:12, 14, 24,...)

                Ezekiel says it over and over again.  In Chapter 1 verse 28 Ezekiel was so astounded by                        what God was showing him that he fell face down on the ground.  A voice told him to get                    up.  Ezekiel says     the Spirit came into him and set him on his feet.  Ezekiel was                                  powerless.  The Spirit had to help him obey.  I had to ask myself, first of all, how many                       times am I so astounded by God that I am left helpless on the ground? I’m ashamed to say,                   not enough.  Then I had to ask, how many times do I first make sure I am aware of the Holy                 Spirit doing all of the work?  Or am I just getting in the way? Again, I tend to take all the                     credit. (I am realizing that this reflection time is NOT making me feel very good about                         myself!)

I don’t know if any of you struggle with these same issues.  Lack of personal preparation; lack of fully absorbing God’s Words, not being obedient in ALL things, and trying to do it all on my own without the Spirit’s help or even acknowledging it on those good days that I’m aware of it!  

However, in spite of my impulsive nature, childish behavior, and ego I’m so thankful that God has chosen to make me his daughter and allows me to help Him in His Kingdom work.  What an awesome God we have!  The Great I AM!  

Worshiping with you today,


PS. Check out the song, “Great I Am”, by New Life Worship

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