Wednesday, August 31, 2016


The lazy days of summer are winding down and as we head into our normal business, I want to ”re-share” a Worship Moment I wrote a few years ago with you.

The other night as I sat outside with my daughter and enjoyed the cooler breeze, the dancing fireflies, and the playful light from the kerosene lantern, I couldn’t help but praise God in my heart for such a glorious moment!  I just didn’t want it to end!  Have you ever felt that way?  Do you wish you could put those experiences in a bottle so you can get them out to savor over and over again?  I completely embrace those times because they seem to be so rare.  I purposefully refuse to think about the paper work that needs to be done, the dirty dishes sitting on the counter, or the crickets that need to be caught for the lizard.  (What?  Are we the only ones that do that?)  I choose to immerse myself in the moment.  It’s one of those times where I am aware of God’s pleasure and his desire to fill me up with every good thing. I feel like every day God is creating special moments for us and we are so busy and focused with our own agendas that we miss out.  

I am reminded of the time when God provided manna when the Israelites were in the desert.  He provided all they needed, but they had to get out of the tent to retrieve and receive it.  God provides all sorts of “manna” for us but so often we are too self-absorbed to notice and receive it.  We refuse to get out of the tent. 

Today, give yourself permission to take the time to notice what God has created for you.  Get out of your tent!  Watch the bunnies chase each other in the yard.  Notice the spectacular colors of the sunset or sunrise.  Listen to the myriad of bird song in the trees.  Enjoy the sweet fragrance of fresh roses that some kind friend brought.  Ponder and reflect on God’s Word.  Don’t rush.  Don’t try to just get through.  Let this day be one of re-discovery.  Open your heart and mind to God’s refreshment so that when he beckons us to do his work throughout the day we are ready and filled up to overflowing.

 “… And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)

Worshiping with you today,