Thursday, September 18, 2014

That "Old Country Buffet" feeling!

Have you ever had that “Old Country Buffet” feeling?  That’s what our family calls it when we’ve eaten so much we almost feel sick.  The feeling we always got after eating at Old Country Buffet (or ANY buffet for that matter).  I know, you would think we would learn to restrain ourselves after the first time, but it’s a buffet!  You have to try everything and get your money’s worth, right?  Anyway, as we patted our bloated bellies and groaned at just the thought of food, we would always say we wouldn’t have to eat for a week.  Well, we all know that didn’t happen.  In spite of our gluttony the day before, we were hungry and needing nourishment the next day.  Just the memory of the feast before couldn’t control the hunger or give our bodies the needed energy for our minds and body to perform properly.  Yet, we expect that to happen in our spiritual life.  We go to church on Sunday for worship, fellowship, teaching, etc...a spiritual buffet.  We load up on spiritual things and expect it to last us the whole week.  Charles Ringma says, “In our busy serving we often attempt to live off of the memory of God’s presence and grace and not out of the present reality of God’s nurture and care.”  My prayer for us today is to live off of the present reality of God’s nurture and care”.  Just like our physical bodies, our spirit needs daily nourishment and the best part is that God will give us all we need (2 Peter 1:3, Phil. 4:19); we just need to go to Him.  Beth Moore said something to the fact that God supplies the manna.  We just need to get out of the tent to collect it. (My paraphrase)

Collecting manna with you today,