Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pulled from the stage!

“…he cares for the humble but keeps his distance from the proud.” Psalm 138:6 (NLT)

I read this verse today and it brought to mind an uncomfortable memory.  You see, there have been times when I have gotten a little happy with myself, o.k. let’s call it what it is and say it, “proud”.  I’ve noticed when that happens, my relationship with God is distant and forced.  There are other times, however, when instead of keeping his distance, He disciplines me in a way that I will never forget it AND should keep me from making the same mistake twice.  Should, being the key word here…

I debated much heatedly with God in regards to sharing that uncomfortable memory with you today.  What is even more frustrating is that we were having this debate in the ladies room.  We do this all the time.  Can we not have a decent conversation someplace normal?  Anyway, I digress…

This little incident happened at one of the Gospel sings at Hamakua Place.  You might have been there.  However, you would never have known that God used that night to teach me a very valuable lesson about pride.  And if God shows his love to us through correction, then I learned very clearly that I was EXTREMELY loved!

I had prepared long and hard for my one song that I was going to sing.  I had labored on it so I would be as comfortable as I could be on the stage and just be able to worship.  When I got there, one of the organizers, I’ll call him “Joe”, found out I was only doing one song and asked if I could do a couple more.  I quickly ran home to get more music while the first band played their set.  They played for at least a half an hour.  Most of the time was spent stopping to re-tune, re-start the song, or talk amongst themselves as to what song they wanted to play next, while we all watched and waited.  When they did play, they did O.K., but just didn’t seem very prepared.  Another band played after them and it was basically the same scenario and about a half hour long.  Then, it was my turn; my moment to show them how it was done.  My first song went off without a hitch and I got a great response.  I did my second at the piano and got an even bigger positive response.  I was pumped and couldn’t wait to get back on that stage! I started to go up to do my last song, and “Joe” came up to me and told me that there wasn’t enough time for me to do another song and proceeded to go on stage with his band.  They played for forty-five minutes.  Yep, forty-five minutes! I was furious.  I left as soon as it was over and ranted and raved to my family how unfair it was.  How better prepared I was.  How the other groups were out of tune and stumbled over their chords.  I mentioned they weren’t very professional.  That they probably had never even practiced together before that night. I couldn’t understand how “Joe” could pull ME from the show after getting a better response than any of the other groups.  Yep, I was mad and I was proud.  It was bad; VERY bad.  Thankfully, my husband lovingly told me to reflect on what I was saying and really listen to myself.  Then I was ashamed; VERY ashamed.  Mortified is really the better word. I realized after looking back on the evening, that the whole time I was listening to the other bands, I was sitting there critiquing and comparing myself to the others and obviously giving myself a better score.  God saw my heart and motivations before I did and it was HIM that pulled me from the show.  Not “Joe”.

I was extremely (and still am) ashamed of myself and my actions, but I’m so thankful that my Father loved me so much that he wanted to correct me, keep our relationship strong, and help me to be the best I can be.  I have learned how important it is to examine my heart and motivations especially in regards to those things I love and feel confident in.  I know that God doesn’t need me to help Him in His work.  But He knows it brings me absolute joy and pleasure and every time I try to give myself credit, I lose. Never again do I want God to have to pull me from the action and miss out on what he plans to do. 
I share this with you because I want you to know that God loves you so much that he wants you to be the best you can be and he’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.  Sometimes that might mean letting us stew in our own thoughts and not give us the answers we want when we want them, or it might mean literally pulling us off whatever stage we’re on until our heart is right and our minds off of ourselves.  

Dear Lord, thank you for loving us so much.  We pray that you would examine our heart and motivations and let us know if there is anything that needs to be re-adjusted and brought back into line with your heart.  We thank you for gifting us to serve alongside you and may you always get the credit.  We desire to be our best for you and are so grateful that you are faithfully helping us along.  In Your Name, Amen.

I hope you never have to go through what I did, but if you do, please remember it’s because you are loved beyond measure by an amazing Father.

Humbled by His love,